
Tara Tripp


Renee Fennell, KSoD,, 2027
Omeed Firouzi, Law, 1-8979,, 2026
Ashley Gardner, STHM, 1-8701,, 2026
Lauren Gabrielle Johnson, 2-0326,, 2026
Uloma Opara-Osuoha, CST,, 2025
Tara Tripp, CLA, (Chr.) 1-9182,, 2027**
Wayne W. Williams, FSB, 1-4231,, 2026


(Updated November 4, 2024)


8 faculty appointed by the FSSC*
3 consultants
1 graduate student

* approved by FSSC 10/15/2019

** serving 2nd consecutive term

*** serving 3rd consecutive term



As the Faculty Senate Committee on the Status of Faculty of Color (FOC), our charge, responsibility and mission includes:

1. Formulating initiatives to increase Creative/Research and/or Teaching resources for Faculty of Color (including funding from external sources).
2. Collecting and maintaining a repository/clearinghouse of information about/by and for Faculty of Color through an on-line presence; while continuing to engage in an ongoing dialogue and research partnership with entities such as the Academic Center on Research in Diversity (ACCORD) regarding race and ethnicity at Temple University and beyond
3. In accordance with Faculty Senate directives, as a standing committee of the faculty senate, FOC also seeks to provide: (a) consultation, (b) review, (c) ratification, and (d) recommendation . . . acting as advisor to the administration on any matters related to race and ethnicity for the Temple University community, in general, but particularly, for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students of color.
4. Collaborating with the Academic Center on Research in Diversity, (ACCORD), The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL), Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) and other university entities to help ensure the continued commitment to race and ethnic diversity within the ranks of faculty and graduate students.


Committee meets twice a month during the fall semester and once a month during the spring semester.
Organize multiple events including:
"Chat in the Stacks" Twice a semester in collaboration with the Paley library, Chat in the Stacks highlights the work of Temple faculty of color and others whose work addresses issues of interest to faculty and students of color and the greater temple community.
Future Faculty Fellows mentorship
Creation of an ongoing collaboration with the Academic Center for Research on Diversity (ACCORD)
Senior Scholar Award
Organize in collaboration with other campus entities the Diversity Workshop

Committee Reports

'23-'24: Committee on the Status of Faculty of Color - PDF