Committee on Faculty LGBTQIA Issues (members to be elected in Spring 2025).


The LGBTQIA Committee is dedicated to promoting academic success, ensuring fairness in recruitment and retention, increasing visibility and supporting the well-being of LGBTQIA faculty and students. The committee shall help to cultivate a safe campus climate where all members of the LGBTQIA community can thrive and live freely. The committee shall help protect research by and about LGBTQIA populations and academic programs that concern gender, sexuality, identity, women's studies and the LGBTQIA population.

The committee will

· Assess Cultural Climate:

o Maintain an awareness of legal changes that impact the LGBTQIA community and make recommendations for how to best protect the LGBTQIA community at Temple.

o Conduct periodic campus climate surveys to measure the wellbeing LGBTQIA faculty and students and identify areas for improvement.

· Promote Academic Success:

o Evaluate LGBTQIA faculty opportunities for academic advancement and make recommendations to create an environment that fosters success.

o Work towards fairness in the recruitment, retention and compensation of LGBTQIA faculty.

o Develop support networks and policies to address the specific needs of LGBTQIA faculty.

o Compare our efforts to support the LGBTQIA population with those at other institutions to identify and promote best practices.

· Increase Visibility and Inclusion:

o Propose methods to raise awareness of LGBTQIA community needs within the university.

o Enrich the experiences and celebrate the successes of LGBTQIA students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

o Foster an affiliation with Campus Pride, an organization dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA populations.


Membership shall consist of six faculty members appointed by the FSSC to serve three-year terms with initial appointments to be staggered with two one-year terms, two two-year terms, and two three-year terms. Initial appointees may be reappointed. No appointee may ordinarily serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. Additionally, one graduate student and one undergraduate student shall serve on the committee as non-voting members. Students will be selected from a list of nominees from TUGSA and Student Government for graduate and undergraduate student, respectively.

 (Approved March 3, 2024)