
Jay Sinha, FSBM


Beata Kosmider, LKSM, 2-9084,, 2027**
Edmund Lafer, FSBM, 1-2817,, 2026 
Ira Rosen, STHM, 1-6126,, 2025**
Jay Sinha, FSBM, 1-8151,, 2027**
Robert Shuman, TYL, 1-4300,, 2026
Donald Wargo, CLA,, 2027**
Andrew Yannaccone, CPH, 1-9017,, 2027**
Jun Yu, LKSM, 2-3286,, 2026 **

** = serving 2nd consecutive term
*** = serving 3rd consecutive term

(Updated October 16, 2024)


Nine (9) faculty appointed by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee

  • To review the University academic and non-academic budgets;
  • To liaise with the University administration on budget and financial matters;
  • To serve as an educational resource to the faculty regarding the decentralized budget model;
  • To communicate regularly to the faculty through minutes, seminars and Senate meetings;
  • To recommend appropriate changes in the budget and budget-making processes;
  • To monitor the implementation of recommendations;
  • To serve as faculty representatives on College and Support Unit budget conferences conducted by the Chief Financial Officer.



A great deal of time - 6-8 hours per month (mostly in the spring semester).

(Updated 09.27.2015)