
To be named


Dan Berman, UG Studies, 1-6042,
Cory Budischak, COE, 1-3723,, 2026
Gina Calzaferri, IRA, 1-8277,
Lisa Ferretti, SSW, 1-8642,, 2026
Stephanie Fiore, CAT, 1-8761,
Steven Fleming, CST,
Dominic Letarte, CST, 1-6439,, 2025
Margaret Miklich, TUSP, 2-5098,, 2025
Bernie S. Newman, SSW, 1-1205,
Moritz Ritter, CLA, 1-5029,, 2027***
Michael L. Schirmer, FSB, 1-1716,, 2026
Daniel Spaeth, CST, 1-6772,

** - serving 2nd consecutive term

(Updated August 26, 2024)


The Assessment of Instruction Committee, previously the Student Feedback Form Committee, is a joint faculty, staff, and student committee charged with advising the President, Provost, and Faculty Senate on matters related to the evaluation of teaching at the University. The committee takes a deliberative, evidence-based, and (where possible) data driven approach to make recommendations regarding the policy on course and teaching evaluations (, methods, approaches, reports, and logistics related to the assessment and evaluation of teaching at the University.


Faculty committee members are appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Staff members are appointed by the Provost. Any student representative(s) are appointed by the committee.


The committee generally meets quarterly in full session--or more frequently, as needed. The working groups or subcommittees may meet more often.

Recent Accomplishments

Guided the development and implementation of SFF Data for Students, a tool for students to review selected information about course and instructor feedback.
Revised the SFF Instructor Form, removing all prior questions and adding the following open ended question: Is there anything about the course (the context, the way you decided to teach it, the students, etc.) that would help in understanding the SFFs.

In the process of redeveloping the current SFFs to reduce the number of questions answered university-wide, and to add a bank of questions from which schools/colleges, departments, other units (such as: campus, General Education, Honors), and instructors can select relevant items to add to their forms.

(revised spring 2019)

Committee Reports

'22-'23: Assessment of Instruction Committee - PDF