
Feroze Mohamed


FSSC Recommendations:

Steven Jefferies, KSoD, 2-3751,, '16**
Gregory Mandel, LAW,, '16*
Feroze Mohamed, TUSM (Chr), 2-5003,, '16**
Hector Postigo, SMC,, '16
Servio Ramirez, TUSM, 2-2741,, '16

Office of Vice Provost for Research Appointments:

Eric Borguet, CST, 1-9696,, '16**
Daniel Boston, DENT, 1-2979,, '16**
Marla Wolfson, TUSM, 2- 4573,, 16**

(June 30, 2017)


The President shall appoint eight persons to an Invention and Patent Committee, which shall advise and assist with University inventions. Five of the members of the Invention and Patent Committee shall be members of the faculty and shall be from those recommended for appointment by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee. The initial faculty members of the Invention and Patent Committee shall serve a five-year term. Thereafter, faculty members shall be appointed for three-year terms. No faculty committee member shall serve for more than three consecutive terms. The appointees to the Invention and Patent Committee shall be familiar with research and the patenting process. The President shall designate the Chair. The Committee shall meet regularly to address the following areas in which it will have authority and responsibility:

  • Establishment of simple procedures and guidelines for the prompt and equitable implementation of this policy, including recommendations to the University relating to the use of outside patent management organizations, individuals or consultants;
  • Periodic review of the University's Invention and Patent Policy and procedures in order to recommend improvements;
  • Resolution of disputes regarding ownership royalty distribution, licensing searches, conflicts of interest or any other issues which may impede the patent, licensing and marketing process;
  • Development of means to bind contractually all affected individuals to the implementation of this policy;
  • Development of means to encourage discovery and invention in the University in accordance with the purpose of this policy;
  • Development of procedure and guidelines where appropriate for marketing, licensing, financing and manufacturing of inventions;
  • Such other matters that shall arise in order to implement this policy.

The Invention and Patent Committee shall not be responsible for the evaluation of discoveries and inventions with regard to patentability and commercial potential.


5 Faculty nominated by the FSSC, appointed by the President.