Faculty Senate Service Awards Announcement - November 18, 2020
The Faculty Senate has created two new awards to recognize faculty service to their School, the University and the Community. Administrators will not be considered for these awards. The first award is the "Faculty Senate Outstanding Faculty Service Award" ("FSOFSA"). This year, three FSOFSA awards will be given to recognize outstanding service to the University and the Community. These awards will be presented during the University Research and Teaching Awards Ceremony, held each Spring. The second award is the "Faculty Senate Service Award" ("FSSA"). Eight-to-thirteen of these awards will be given each year to recognize meritorious service to the University and the Community and will be presented at the Spring meeting of the Faculty Senate.
All full-time current faculty members from all schools and colleges are eligible for consideration for either of these awards. Candidates for either award may be nominated by their School or College, their Collegial Assembly, one or more colleagues, or be self-nominated. Individuals nominated, but not selected, may be nominated again the following year. Awardees will be selected by a recently appointed FSSC committee, using the following criteria:
- The FSOFSA recipients must be current full-time faculty members. Tenured, tenure- track and non-tenure track faculty members are eligible. Dedicated long-term service should be emphasized. The FSOFSA will not be awarded to an individual more than once (see accompanying list of previous awardees). Previous awardees of the Faculty Senate Service Award are eligible for consideration.
- The FSSA recipients must be current full-time faculty members. Tenured, tenure track and non-tenure track faculty members are eligible. They must have engaged in meritorious service to their School or College, the University and the Community.
- For a candidate to be considered for either award, the Faculty Senate must receive a letter of nomination by February 1, 2021. The nominating letter should be a brief narrative, citing specific service activities, viz. "Professor V has served as the Chair of the University W Committee for three years, has been an officer of the American X Society for five years, and has been on the Student Performance Committee of the Y School for three years…all while serving as Community Outreach Coordinator for the School of Z." The nomination letter should be signed by the nominating faculty, and by the Department Chair or Center Director, along with a statement that the service activities cited are accurate, to the best of their knowledge. Nominating letters should be sent to senate@temple.edu
Awardees will be notified by February 22, 2021. The Provost and President will present the FSOFSA awards at the March 26, 2021 University Research and Teaching Awards Ceremony (Tentative). The FSSA awards will be presented by the President of the University Faculty Senate at the Spring University Faculty Senate meeting. These awards are just one of many ways the Faculty Senate hopes to recognize the invaluable contribution that faculty make in service.
Please contact the Faculty Senate office at senate@temple.edu or 215-204-8698 with any questions or comments.
Carmen Sapienza
Chair, FSSC Awards Committee
Rafael A. Porrata-Doria
President, Faculty Senate