Committee on Faculty LGBTQIA Issues (members to be elected in Spring 2025).
1) To ascertain the level of inclusion of the LGBTQ faculty members on campus.
2) To propose methods to increase the visibility of and attention to the needs of the LGBTQ community of Temple University.
3) To investigate methods through which faculty can become more involved with including and empowering the LGBTQ campus community.
4) To create synergy and collaboration between faculty members and other campus committees or associations dedicated to LGBTQ inclusion, awareness, and empowerment.
The committee will:
1) Review the results of the 2012 campus climate survey, aka the Temple University LGBTQ Climate Project Report ( particularly the Executive Summary, pp. i-xix).
2) Compare faculty efforts concerning LGBTQ inclusion at other institutions, such as national models like the University of Pennsylvania (see: and peer institutions such as Pennsylvania State University ( and ).
3) Facilitate an affiliation with Campus Pride, an outside organization dedicated to LGBTQ inclusion (see:
The committee composition and terms shall be determined with the committee in consultation with the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.
(Approved December 4, 2015)