To all Temple faculty:
Take the Temple Presidential Survey
As members of the faculty at Temple University, your input is critical to crafting the position profile for the role of our next president. Your perspectives on academic freedom, shared governance, research and scholarship, teaching and pedagogy, university service and citizenship, and building connection to the broader Temple community are pivotal points of information that we hope to use to drive the search process forward. As stewards of the academic mission of Temple, and as engaged members of the Philadelphia community, we know that your input is vital. We hope that you will contribute your opinion, your voice and your expectations in this meaningful process.
The Search Committee and its consulting team are eager to have your insights into Temple University's strengths and needs as well as your views on the kind of leadership we should be seeking. Use this link to share your thoughts: Temple presidential survey. Please note that your confidentiality is important to us. Your anonymous comments will be summarized and reflected in the search profile, our primary outreach tool used for recruitment. Rest assured that comments will not be attributed to any one individual, so we hope you will feel safe to be as candid as possible.
(From: Chair of the Presidential Search Committee)