Faculty Senate Steering Committee Report on Shared Governance - Summary
Representing 3,172 faculty members in 17 schools and colleges, along with librarians in 6 libraries across main and health science campus, the Faculty Senate directly influences and advocates—not just for faculty, but, as well, on behalf of faculty, students, and the community. (https://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/temple-university/academic-life/faculty- composition/#secComposition)
President Wingard's Charge:
Temple President, Dr. Jason Wingard has charged the Faculty Senate Steering Committee with identifying campus-wide faculty issues and concerns, in addition to highlighting opportunities to enhance university platforms for shared faculty governance.
The Goal of this Report:
The goal of this report is to identify ways the Faculty Senate Steering Committee (FSSC) could further develop a mechanism for a heightened volume of engagement with strategic planning and decision-making.
- An Ad Hoc Shared Faculty Governance Committee was created January 18, 2022.
- The ad hoc SFGC met Tuesday January 25, 2022 and began circulating a google doc.
- Committee members solicited input from various collegial assemblies on suggestions for increased opportunities for shared faculty governance.
- Invitations went out to the chairs of the collegial assemblies of the 17 schools and colleges.
- Listening Session with Collegial Chairs and/or designees:
February 1, 2022. Another representative was interviewed by phone (January 20, 2022) and an administrator from the aforementioned school was interviewed by email. Five schools did not reply nor send representatives.
The Faculty Senate Steering Committee recommends:
- Schools and colleges be required to review and update Bylaws that reflect the intent of the Faculty Senate Constitution of faculty—run collegial assemblies for greater shared faculty governance.
- The university develop an Initiative-Status Dashboard or regular Report-Out mechanism be developed which would share results that might include information on data collection what we've learned and Next Steps.
- The university share the metrics used and, how components are weighted, in Dean's Reviews and Chair Reviews.
- The university and the senate work together to develop a regular schedule of reports on Student/Faculty mental health and wellness outcomes.
- Increased faculty Senate representation on all strategic, top-level committees and task force that address issues and concerns that potentially impact academic programs, policies and/or quality of faculty engagement.
- One or two Faculty to serve as voting members of the Board of Trustees and/or provide opportunities to engage with BOT members in the formation of a committee that includes both faculty and board membership. (*See addendum to Board of Trustee Meeting, May 13, 1969)
- The Board of Trustees and the university Identify and/or create more opportunities for faculty engagement with BOT committees, beyond admittance into the meetings during public sessions.
- The university develop leadership training opportunities for Faculty—that would include pipelines for leadership for all faculty, including women and faculty members from underrepresented groups.
- The Senate and the university co-sponsor faculty development opportunities.
- The university create an administrative position in the president's portfolio as "a safe, off- the-record resource for faculty and administrators to explore options to address workplace- related concerns from a professional who is confidential, impartial, independent and informal." (See UNC Charlotte as a model. (https://ombuds.charlotte.edu/)
- The hiring of an Ombudsperson separate from the Office of Faculty Affairs, versed in academic freedom, who could advocate for faculty concerns within senior administration.
- The formation of a joint Faculty Affairs Committee at the University level that would collectively address issues and concerns relative to the social, cultural, and academic well- being of faculty.
Strengthening collegial assemblies provides the most basic opportunity for increased shared faculty governance. Developing more regular interactions between Faculty Senate and Collegial Assembly chairs (where shared faculty governance at the school and college level should address the day-to- day faculty concerns) can have the most impact on faculty engagement. Facilitating greater transparency between administration and the faculty will also continue to serve and advance
Temple University's academic value proposition through regular committee membership, along with regular Representative and University Senate meetings. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with administration in meaningful ways, recognizing that shared faculty governance contributes to a more inclusive cultural climate and quality of life for our community.
The Faculty Senate Steering Committee