
Barry McCarthy, Law

James Shellenberger, Law (Co-chair)


Magid Abou-Gharbia, Pharm, 2-4949,, 2027

Barry McCarthy, Law, 1-7867,, 2027**

Andrew Spence, COE, 1-3056,, 2027

(Updated July 5, 2024)


In keeping with the standards of academic freedom, the Faculty Senate Personnel Committee shall serve as the final faculty determinant of the rights of a faculty member in cases of dismissal, denial of tenure, or other grievances and shall after a full inquiry make recommendations to the Senate as to the fair disposition of the case.


The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee shall consist of five Senators elected for three-year terms by the University Faculty Senate. The Personnel Committee shall, if it deems it advisable in considering a given case, appoint not more than two additional pro-tempore members from the college or school involved to join in the consideration of the said case. These pro-tempore members shall have the power to vote.